North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code listing
Below is the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code listing on which we focus. Our staff is always eager to discuss how we might benefit your current or future project or contract..
238210 -Electrical Contractor and other wiring installation
237130 -Power and Communication Line Construction
541330 -Electrical Engineering services
561621 -Security Systems Services
221111 -Hydroelectric Power generation
236210 -Industrial Building Construction
238220 -Commercial & industrial Machine & Equipment Repair
238290 -Other Building Equipment Contractor
335311 -Airport lighting transformers manufacturing
541350 – Building inspection services
221122 – Distribution of electric power
541340 -Computer-aided design drafting (CADD) services
237130 – Alternative energy (e.g. geothermal, ocean wave, solar, wind) structure construction
221114 – Electric power generation, solar